In OEM if you see the your targets have a status of unreachable here are a few steps you can take to try and resolve the issue.
$cd $AGENT_HOME/bin/
$./emctl clearstate agent
$./emctl stop agent
$./emctl clearstate agent
If the agent will not stop you can search
for the OS process and issue a kill -9
$ps -ef |grep agent12c/core/
$kill -9 <pid>
$./emctl clearstate agent
$./emctl start agent
$./emctl upload agent
If the upload fails issue the upload
command again
$./emctl upload agent
In OEM you should now see that all targets
are back online
If the above steps do not work you can
doing the following
$cd $AGENT_HOME/bin/
$./emctl clearstate agent
$./emctl stop agent
$./emctl clearstate agent
$cd AGENT_INST/sysman/log
$rm -rf *.*
$cd $AGENT_INST/sysman/emd
$rm -rf state upload
$cd $AGENT_HOME/bin/
$./emctl clearstate agent
$./emctl start agent
$./emctl clearstate agent
$./emctl status agent
$./emctl upload agent
In OEM you should now see that all targets
are back online
Resolving Agent12c unreachable issues can be complex, but with tools like flipper zero unleashed, troubleshooting becomes quicker and more efficient.