Monday, June 10, 2013

Oracle Home Property Missing for 12c Agent

1. Check that the Oracle home exist in the $AGENT_INST/sysman/emd/targets.xml
2. Check that the Oracle home exist in the oraInventory

Here is the resolution:

Missing home in oraInventory

1. Attach home to oraInventory
$AGENT_HOME/oui/bin/runInstaller -silent -attachHome -invPtrLoc $AGENT_HOME/oraInst.loc ORACLE_HOME_NAME="agent1_home" oracle_home="$AGENT_HOME" "cluster_nodes={}"

2. Run emctl collection
 $./emctl control agent runCollection <TARGET_ORACLE_HOME_NAME>:oracle_home oracle_home_config

Missing Home in Targets.xml

1. Run emctl collection

$./emctl control agent runCollection <TARGET_ORACLE_HOME_NAME>:oracle_home oracle_home_config


  1. Javier! My man! How do you determine when the value is missing from the targets.xml file? I tried guessing what it should be and got this error:

    EMD runCollection error:no target collection

    1. sorry it looks like the string got stripped. How do you determine the "TARGET_ORACLE_HOME_NAME"?

    2. Hay David how's it going. The target Oracle home name would be found in OEM.

      You also check if the patch for that home exist in the Oracle inventory file.
